- Provision of Financial Adisory Services for PowerCom for a period of Three Years (Closing Date: 08 August 2024, 15:00pm)
Your reliable infrastructure provider
POWERCOM (Pty) Ltd was established in 2007 and later acquired by Telecom Namibia in 2013 and is a 100% subsidiary of Telecom Namibia. Its mandate is defined by the licence issued in accordance with Communications Act (No.8 of 2009) by CRAN, a Class Network Facilities Service Licence which empowers PowerCom to serve as an ICT infrastructure and equipment provider. Since 2013, the company has predominantly focused on building towers to enable service providers and operators to lease space on the towers and provide network coverage and services to their respective clients.
To be a dynamic passive infrastructure company enabling the digital transformation of lives
To provide innovative and sustainable passive infrastructure solutions
The POWERCOM organisational values are operationalized by the acronym, D.A.R.E. The acronym provides energy for the organisation to D.A.R.E to upset the status quo and positively transform the Namibian ICT sector
(Fixed & Mobile)
(TV & Radio)
(Road, Rail, Air & Marine)
(Security Companies & Neighbourhood watches)
Services offered by PowerCom include tower space leasing, managed services for rooftops and 3rd party co-location.
We lease space on our towers to mobile, broadcasting and other operators in the transmission space on a medium to long tern basis
We offer rooftop managed services at various elevated height structures and strategic buildings in urban areas through smart partnerships
We offer 3rd party co-locations in vertical market such as water towers ranging from municipality to water utility companies.
Four pillars that enable PowerCom services